Even with her mighty engines in reverse, the ocean liner was pulled further and further into the canal. The ship just couldn't get out of he canal.
"Reverse harder," the captain said. The boat just wouldn't budge. What could they do. Will they have to abandoned ship. There was nothing else they can do for the ship. Then the engines stopped running. They pushed her to much.
"If reverse won't work what can we do," the captain said", We can't call for help, there is no reception in this canal." The ship might be stuck there forever. The ship was pulling and tugging when the engines came back on.
"Let's get off and see what is the problem,"the captain said. Then the captain got off with his crew. They searched and searched. Then they found the problem to why the ship wouldn't move. It was a giant boulder. All they had to do was move the boulder.
"How will we move it," the crewman said.
"I know," the captain said. So they put these two hooks around the boulder with ropes and pulled. I wasn't budging to much.
"We need a bit more muscle here for the boulder to move," the captain said. Who was the strongest one there. There was no one too strong that is on the ship.
"Can all strong people come to the lower deck," the captain said on the speaker. The lucky thing was that there was a circus booked on the ship at the time. The bad thing was that the muscle man was missing. Where was he? What can they do now?
"the muscular man is missing so everyone has to find him," the captain said. Who took the muscular man. Where has the muscular man gone. Did he die. Did someone murder the muscular man. If someone did who did it. Yet time passed and it was 5 a.m in the morning when something tragic happened. the screams and everything woke up the whole guests on the ship. There was a very huge crowd of people. It was so big the captain couldn't make his way through to see waht happened. Then right in front of the captain was a murder. Pinned into the mans stomach was a note.
"Don't be talking about the muscular man, everytime you do someone on this ship will die," The note said.
"We must find a way to contact the cops,"the captain said. There was no way they could make contact.
"Looks like it is our job now,"the captain said. The captain looked around the ship at night. His flashlight was pointing at the floor. Then he saw a track of blood leading to the basement. He had to see what was down there on his own. Then out came a ghostly figure. What was that figure. Was it the muscular man or the murderer.
"Who are you and what do you want," the captain said.
"I am the muscular man," the man said. Then the next morning the muscular man helped push the boulder. Then the ship was free again.
Was there a second photo to this because there are 15 pictures to the misteries and there are 14 in the book The Misteries of Harris Burdick and there is suppose to be 2 for missing in Venice.
ReplyDeleteYes, there was another one that depicted a young boy with a wizard hat and someone teaching him.
Deletethat was a young girl
DeleteWhen I first saw that ocean liner in the illustration, at first, I thought it was the RMS Titanic
ReplyDeleteWAIT! what if the murder is the passengers,I mean one of them.
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