The kids go off to school, and Mrs. Larmont is alone at home. She has the whole day to herself until the kids come home. But her day doesn't turn out the way she planned it to.
It is 12:15 in the afternoon, and two kids, Brenda and Timmy Larmont, are at their 5th period, History, with their teacher, Professor Lone. Brenda and Timmy loved Professor Lone. He used to be a police officer, so Timmy looked up to Professor Lone. And Brenda thought he was the best teacher because he knew everything she asked.
The kids go off to school, and Mrs. Larmont is alone at home. She has the whole day to herself until the kids come home. But her day doesn't turn out the way she planned it to.
It is 12:15 in the afternoon, and two kids, Brenda and Timmy Larmont, are at their 5th period, History, with their teacher, Professor Lone. Brenda and Timmy loved Professor Lone. He used to be a police officer, so Timmy looked up to Professor Lone. And Brenda thought he was the best teacher because he knew everything she asked.
As the day dragged on, Brenda and Timmy couldn't wait to tell their mom that Professor Lone would take them and the whole class on a field trip to the wilderness for the weekend. But that news just had to wait.
When school finally ended, Brenda and Timmy walked to their house. They walked up the stairs of the front porch, and opened the door. They noticed that their house was a complemess. Broken lamps, torn up pillows, and smashed windows.
"Mom,"yelled Brenda,"you here."
No answer.
The two of them walked around the house, trying to find their mom. She was no where to be found.
When school finally ended, Brenda and Timmy walked to their house. They walked up the stairs of the front porch, and opened the door. They noticed that their house was a complemess. Broken lamps, torn up pillows, and smashed windows.
"Mom,"yelled Brenda,"you here."
No answer.
The two of them walked around the house, trying to find their mom. She was no where to be found.
"Where could she be," questioned Timmy.
They waited and waited around for the whold night for their mother.
The following day, their mom still wasn't back. So Brenda and Timmy decided to call the police and Professor Lone. The police were at their house first, then Professor Lone showed up.
Brenda and Timmy stepped out of their house and onto the porch.
"So do you to have any clue where your mom could've gone," asked a policeman.
"No idea," replied Timmy.
"Well if we can, may we search your house for clues."
"Sure thing,"said Brenda.
The two teens waited with Professor Lone while the police searched their house. It took them a while, but when they walked out of the house, Brenda noticed one of the police holding a strange video tape.
"We found this on top of your mom's dresser. Do you have any idea what it is,"
asked a policeman.
"Nope, never seen it before,"said Brenda.
"But can we play it," asked Timmy.
"Sure thing,"replied the police.
The whole gang of policemen, Professor Lone, and Timmy and Brenda walked into the house. The police put the tape in the T.V. and everyone watched.
On the T.V. screen, there was a strange man. He spoke.
If you want this lady back, then you must follow these simple instructions. His voice was interuppted by a faint scream. The camera turned. And now on the screen was Mrs. Larmont, hands tied, and a mess. Anyway, you must go south toward the equator and you must search very very hard. Because it can be anywhere. Go to the beach in the west side of South America and you will see a little train, sort of like a boat. Go on it and head east on it. You will then reach a strange island. One more thing, if you want this lady back, I hope you are rich because the only way you can get her back is if you give me something in return.
The T.V. screen turned black. Everyone looked at eachother with a strange face.
To Be Continued
What! To be continued, come on!